Transgender Make up Lesson, all the Kryolan specialist make up products you need and how to use them explained for beginners.In this video Sue Sheppard Lacies and Fantasyshopping founder shows how to accomplish a full make up prcedure in just a few minutes. After watching this video you will be able to feminize your face to look like a regular woman.
Its easy and takes minutes but using this a guide, you will achieve a successful outcome. Just likke cooking without a receipe often ends up with in diaster.
First you need to assemble all the make up tools. Then you will need a mirror and a bright light behind you if possible. According to makeup artist expert Melanie Barrese, “lighting is everything when it comes to makeup, and that’s whether you’re doing makeup on a shoot or in your bathroom. More than anything, you need to ensure the lighting a slightly warm, white light, but more importantly, it’s directed at your face, as opposed to overhead, this will allow you to clearly see your face.” (Source, online content creator Josie Wilkins.)
Transgender Make up Lesson Summary
- Find a nice position To set up a makeup area at home, consider a well-lit, dry, and cool space like a bedroom dresser, or a dedicated corner with good lighting and storage solutions, keep makeup out of direct sunlight and humid environments.
- Lighting this is important, will need a mirror and a bright light behind you if possible.
- Put all your make up brushes and the actual make up in front of you on a clean table.
- Apply Kryolan Primer, allow 5-10 minutes to set in.
- Dampen make-up wedge before applying to TV Stick
- Add blusher
- Add Fixing Powder with Powder Puff to set the make up
- 8. Add Eyeshadow Prime on eyelids
- Add foundation and eyeshadow